Prepare yourselves for two days of wonderful workshops, meditations, rituals, and fun activities!
[Image: Graphic of ocean rocks covered in a layer of mist with text overlay. Text reads: Columbia Grove Presents, Beyond the Gates 2021 Virtual! "Sacred Spaces" September 4-5th]
Hello and welcome to the 2021 Beyond the Gates virtual festival hosted by Columbia Grove, ADF!
The theme this year is Sacred Spaces and we invite you to join us as we learn about them. Those that are pre-existing, those we create, and those that exist within us. This theme is especially poignant to us this year, as the sacred exists all around us, no matter how we're worshiping, be it online or in person.
Join us online for 2 days of workshops, meditations, and rituals honoring sacred spaces. In doing so, may we keep the old ways alive and present in our modern spiritual lives.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. We are dedicated to providing a safe space for all no matter their race, sex, gender, age, ethnicity, sexuality, or experiences. Beyond the Gates seeks to build a community that encourages, understands, appreciates, and accepts diversity. We will work proactively to cultivate an environment where differences are embraced and the diversity of human expression is valued. Beyond the Gates believes that our community is stronger when all participants have a voice and are encouraged to contribute.
What: Beyond the Gates 2021 virtual festival!
Where: Hosted via Zoom
When: September 4th and 5th
Timelines: 8:00 am- 4:00 pm each day (PST) *schedule to be posted soon!*
Cost: $30 per household (See above for tickets!)
Email us at ColumbiaADF@gmail.com with any questions.
If you would like to donate but are unable to attend, you may send donations to PayPay.me/ColumbiaADF. Your help keeping our festival going until we are able to meet once more in person is much appreciated.
2021 Presenters and Workshops

Morgan Daimler (They/Them)
Sacred Spaces and Fairies
This workshop will discuss the connections between the Fair Folk and various kinds of places, from sacred sites to your own backyard. We will explore the territoriality associated with these beings and how that is expressed as well as how a person can relate to them and connect to them in this context. We will also discuss folklore around things that act as a bridge between our world and the world of fairy, including fairy rings, hawthorn trees, and elf-stones.
Morgan Daimler is an author, teacher of esoteric subjects, witch, and priest of the Good Folk (aka fairies). A prolific writer, Morgan has published more than three dozen books, both fiction and nonfiction, and presented workshops on fairies and Irish mythology at various events and conferences.

Rev. Kirk Thomas (He/Him)
The Outdwellers: Another Look
This entry in the Order of Ritual is not a required one, but it is one that many groves and individuals honor in their full rites. At one time this module was quite controversial, and the modern interpretations of just who the Outdwellers are supposed to be can be quite varied, from simplistic to complicated. Thanks to my efforts in prison ministry, my own understandings of who and what the Outdwellers are has evolved considerably, and this workshop is an attempt to understand the ramifications, whether intentional or not, of our practices in this area.
Rev. Kirk Thomas is an Archdruid Emeritus of Ar nDraiocht Fein : A Druid Fellowship (ADF) and an ordained Senior Priest in that religion. He is also the author of, “Sacred Gifts: Reciprocity and the Gods”, available on Amazon.com. He holds a Masters degree in Celtic Studies from the University of Wales - Trinity St. David as well as a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree in Theatre Arts from the University of New Mexico and a Certificate from the Webber-Douglas Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, UK.
A resident of Washington State, USA, Kirk co-owns a retreat center and organic farm called Trout Lake Abbey, located at the base of Mt. Adams. He has built an impressive stone circle and Druidic sanctuary there. He spends much of his time traveling for ADF, visiting groves, solitaries and festivals, presenting on various topics and participating in public, group ritual. He is also the ADF Preceptor and an Archdruid Emeritus.
He is also a prison volunteer, heading ADF’s Chaplaincy Support Services Committee for the Clergy Council.
Rev. Chelly (They/Them/She/Her)
Making public ritual accessible in an unaccessible world.
We never think about the accessibility of our spaces and our rituals, sometimes until it is too late. Accessibility not being at the forefront of our thinking when we plan a ritual can leave many participants out in the cold (sometimes literally). If when we plan our events we do so with accessibility in mind, we are also doing so with hospitality for all in mind. This workshop aims to bring accessibility and the needs of the disabled community to the forefront and will hopefully be the start to these conversations in the communities we live in as we take this information back home at the end of the weekend.
Rev. Chelly is a non-binary disabled ADF priest, and ADF Initiate from Canada, and is the current Senior Druid of Dancing Lights Grove. Much of their primary spiritual work involves the dead. However, much of their serving the folk work involves equity for the disabled.
Rev. Chelly was not always disabled but has always had a very high level of equity in their life due to friends and family members needing the supports that have regularly been lacking. Now that they themselves have these requirements as well, they choose to help teach those who have never experienced these things, different ways to ensure all our welcome and able to participate fully and safely at our fires. For many who are able bodied without friends in these scenarios these are not normal thought patterns and Rev. Chelly is trying to change that.

Sir Bran the Blessed (They/Them)
Storytelling Through Tarot
We as humans, all have narratives. Hero. Loser. Sibling. Monarch. Etc... how does one make those narratives inclusive, expansive and accurate? How do we use the tarot or any divination device to do so? Find out in this class by the Queen of ZephyrHaus, Sir Bran the Blessed
Sir Bran the Blessed (They/Them) is a native North Portlander and hereditary Voodoisant, Bruje and Conjure-Queer who grew up practicing old school Hoodoo, Voodoo, European Witchcraft, Brujeria and Curanderismo. Sir Bran’s personal approach is “one should know the rules and then transcend them through rigorous study, humor, practice, commitment to diversity and innovation.” They apply this to their personal practice, their classes, Their Tarot readings and their extensive magickal work within the Portland area. Sir Bran is one of the preeminent card readers on the West Coast. They are also the author of the upcoming book “The Black, Brown and Queer Intersectional Magical survival guide” through Microcosm Publishing and the illustator. of " The Holy Othered" Tarot deck - A deck of Black, Brown, Queer and Disabled Gods. Sir Bran is also Monarch of the ZephyrHaus coven in Portland, Oregon. They adore sushi, James Baldwin, Unicorns, Misfits, Nina Simone, Versace, Dior and beauty in every incarnation. You can follow them on Instagram @Sirbrantheblessed

Shauna Aura Knight (She/Her)
Ritual Facilitation Techniques for Sacred Space
One of the core functions of a group ritual is to join together with others in sacred space. But what do we mean when we say “creating” sacred space? How do we lead rituals that engage participants and get everyone into the ritual headspace? How do design stronger rituals with depth, impact, and meaning? Join this workshop to learn skills for leading and supporting rituals. We’ll explore what works and why including: ritual structure and logistics, energetic flow, and common pitfalls. We will address methods of engaging participation including ecstatic techniques such as chanting, drumming, and movement, and how these techniques can be layered to engage the trance state. Together we can bring the deep magic and facilitate compelling group ritual.
Shauna is an artist, author, ritualist, presenter, and spiritual seeker, Shauna travels nationally offering intensive education in the transformative arts of ritual, community leadership, and personal growth. She is the author of Path of a Seeker, The Leader Within, Ritual Facilitation, and Dreamwork for the Initiate’s Path, and co-editor of the Pagan Leadership Anthology. She’s also the author of urban fantasy and paranormal romance books.
Shauna creates spiritually and mythically inspired artwork. Her paintings and jewelry evoke stories of heroes and magic, of myth and mysticism, gods and goddesses, fairytales and fantasy, of the spiral path of transformation and healing. Shauna is passionate about creating rituals, experiences, spaces, stories, and artwork to awaken mythic imagination.
Online shop with artwork and jewelry: https://shaunaauraknight.storenvy.com
Main website/book info: http://www.shaunaauraknight.com
Find me on social media: https://linktr.ee/shaunaauraknight

Misha Magdalene (They/Them or She/Her)
Embodying Magic: Reclaiming the Body as Sacred Space
The body is the first sacred space any of us ever occupies, and the first magical tool anyone ever uses. It's the one we all share regardless of background or tradition, and the only one we have with us at every moment of our lives. Unfortunately, the body is often both the most ignored sacred space and the most neglected magical tool in our kit. In this presentation, we'll work on re-engaging with our own bodies as a magical act and rooting our magical practice in our bodies. This presentation is geared towards practitioners of any shape, age, size, gender, orientation, ability, or level of experience.
Misha Magdalene is the author of Outside the Charmed Circle: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in Magical Practice (Llewellyn, 2020). They have a bachelor’s degree in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies from the University of Washington. They are an initiate of the Anderson Feri and Gardnerian Wiccan traditions of witchcraft, as well as being an unregenerate dabbler in various other forms of magic. They live in Seattle, Washington.

Sam (They/Them)
Reading Circle: First Fish, First People: Salmon Tales of the North Pacific Rim
This book contains stories of the North Pacific Rim salmon from many different writers and poets. Of the various authors in this book, I will be reading from Gloria Bird (Spokane Tribe), and Elizabeth Woody (Navajo/Warm Springs/Wasco/Yakama tribes) as these two touch on the Columbia river.
Sam is a non-binary (agender) animist and pantheist (all divine beings exist) native to Oregon with a current focus on localizing their spirituality, and connecting with the ancestors. While they believe all divine beings exist, their focus is on Gaelic Polytheism and Norse Heathenry. They joined Columbia Grove in Beltane of 2019, and have been practicing animism since 2018. Sam views their social justice work and holistic health studies as an integral piece of their spirituality. It is Sam's hope to combine their holistic health knowledge with spirituality to help others heal in all 3 aspects of health: Physical, emotional, and spiritual. Sam also runs a Celtic Polytheism Discord server and moderates on a Gaelic Polytheism Discord server to help bring connections to other practitioners across the world. Sam works on localizing their path by actively learning about the dark history of the Pacific Northwest, learning about the Oregon tribes, and learning about the PNW's environmental concerns.
Outside of their spiritual practices, they like to read, write fantasy, hike, camp, love on their cat, engage in self-improvement, poke at philosophy, learn more about going zero-waste, and wherever else their ADHD takes them.

Rook (He/Him)
Ritual: Celebration of the Twins: the Births at Delos
Athens celebrated the birth of Apollo and Artemis every year with a two day festival including cleansing and protective blessings. We will follow a light ADF Core Order of Ritual to recreate our own revival of this ancient rite, honoring the divine twins and their mother, Leto of the dark robe.

Arin D'Wulf (he/him/they/them), and Amber Araneae (she/her)
Ritual: Growing with the Sacred Grove
Nature can connect and inspire everyone, but sometimes it can be a challenge to feel like you are part of a community when you are isolated from people and natural spaces. This ADF Druid rite will provide the opportunity to connect with your Deities, Nature Spirits, and Ancestors as we create our own community grove. In this place, the connection and language of the trees will bring us together, and the moss beneath the trees will teach us how to endure and thrive in difficult times. We invite you all to be part of our sacred grove.