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Our rituals are open to all pagan-friendly peoples! No experience in Druidry required. Our events are all ages and open to pagans of all spiritual paths. Check out our calendar here! 


Ritual Suggestions and Rules


​We ask our guests to follow these suggestions and rules to ensure our gatherings' dignity and sanctity and the privacy of our guests.


Soliciting or proselytizing on behalf of a business, political or religious groups, and personal interests without the formal permission of the Grove is not acceptable.


Disruptive or disorderly conduct is grounds for immediate dismissal from the site, as is the use of any unlawful substance or act that would be contrary to any current state or federal legislation.


​The use of photographic or video/audio recording devices of any kind is strictly prohibited without prior express permission from the event organizers and participants.

Individuals in violation of any of the above will be asked to leave the event and will not be welcome in the future.


Ritual Dress: Some of us dress in ritual garb such as robes, and others dress in street clothes. Our rituals are worship services, so we ask that you dress in a manner that shows respect.


Children: As Neo-pagans wanting to pass on our traditions to our young ones, we welcome their presence. However, we do not currently offer child-friendly alternative activities to keep them occupied during the ritual. All children are welcomed to our rituals, and we enjoy their participation in our rites. Our rituals are geared towards people of all ages to enjoy. So bring them along to the next rite.

Animal Companions (except service animals): Please refrain from bringing animals to our public rites. This rule protects your animal and other guests who, unknown to us, may have severe allergies or a real fear or aversion to an animal. Children love to interact with animals, meditations are part of our rituals, and multiple animal temperments together could all pose distractions to our rite. Please respect the sanctity of our worship experiences together, and protect your beloved pets by keeping them safe at home.

Length of Ritual: Though we try to practice brevity, the grove feels it is essential that we take the time necessary to adequately address the Kindred and work with each other as a community where everyone can participate. Generally, our rituals last about 60-90 minutes, once begun. Please arrive ready to give this time to the deities, nature spirits, and ancestors. We have access to folding chairs, but feel free to bring a camp chair if you would be more comfortable doing so.  


Offerings: Please feel free to bring an offering for the deity(s) of the occasion, your personal gods, any ancestors, or nature spirits you work with in your regular practice. There is an opportunity in the rite for these offerings to take place.


Potluck: Our tradition is to hold a potluck meal after the ritual. It is especially appropriate to bring something which you make yourself, but that is not necessary. Some of us are flesh-eaters, so all items are generally acceptable, but please remember that some of our members and guests are vegetarian or vegan. A recipe card with the ingredients listed is highly recommended for those with food allergies.


Cell Phones and Electronic Devices: Please put all devices on silent. While we may enjoy a good ringtone, it can disrupt our rituals' flow (especially during meditations).


Students: We welcome students of religion and anthropology to our gatherings, but ask that real names not be used in any reports or other descriptive writing that might result from your visit. Please reach out to the Senior or Chief Druid of the ritual, and please be respectful of our spirituality.


Donations: The grove asks for a suggested donation of $5 per person to cover the ritual and site rental costs to help us continue to provide public ritual. Whatever you can give is highly appreciated. However, should this be a difficulty, please know that you are still 100% welcome. We value your presence above all.

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